Why we need globally-certified appraisers now more than ever?

Well, it looks like I’m going back to school.  To become an appraiser – something I’ve already been doing for years! Why? Well, in any field, I believe it’s important to make sure that you’re not just doing the same thing year after year.  You have to keep your ear to the ground and stay in touch with changes not just as they happen, but before they happen. So even though I’ve been a real estate appraiser and tax attorney for over ten

If blockchain eliminates the middleman, why do we still need lawyers?

You already know I’m fascinated by tech trends, personally and professionally, and that I keep a close eye on how those trends are going to affect my business and my clients’. So you’ve probably already noticed that I’m enthusiastic about blockchain and its potential to make almost every type of real estate transaction and investment faster, simpler, and more efficient.  It does that in part by eliminating the middleman. In real estate today, every transaction, every change in zoning or registration,